Tyla Farm is a typical small family farm near Cardiff, South Wales, owned by Andrew Wilde (age 42) and his father David (age 74).


They have 75 dairy cows that they milk twice a day, producing around 1500 litres of milk per day, which they sell to a big supermarket.


Andrew is preparing everything before he starts the milking.


Andrew is placing the suction cups on a cow's udder.


Writing on a wall inside the milking barn.


Andrew is herding some cattle in a shed.


The whole yard must be mucked-out every day, after milking.


Andrew is resting for a moment while moving some cows from one field to another.


Andrew and his father David are having the lunch prepared by his mother, June.


A cow is artificially inseminated.


Andrew and his father are working 7 days a week, around 12 hours per day.


Andrew is checking the cows to make sure everything is fine.


Coming inside for a quick snack, Andrew is watching his nephew doing math homework.


Andrew has the cows milked a second time in the evening.


David (age 74) in a moment of relaxation, on the wall is a painting with the first dog they had when they bought this farm, 52 years ago.


An old photo, from 1960, with Andrew's grandfather at the farm.


Andrew loading straw bales in a tractor.


Andrew is removing some spoiled silage, before feeding the cows.


Spreading muck on a field with the tractor.


Andrew driving one of his tractors.


Clean and dry bedding straw keeps the calves warm and healthy.


Andrew is trimming the hoof of a dairy cow. Hoof care is vital to a healthy cattle.


Some cows are waiting in the yard.


David, helped by a worker is drenching a cow.


Andrew is going to feed the calves.


Andrew and his nephew are feeding the calves.


Andrew's mother, June(age 73) is watching TV in the evening. She is cooking for the whole family and takes care of the house.


Some cows are waiting in the yard before going to sleep.